Mother of Rodeo Star’s Son Levi Wright Says She’ll be Haunted for ‘the Rest of My Life’ Following His Death

Written by on June 6, 2024

Rodeo star Spencer Wright’s wife, Kallie Wright, is recounting the tragic accident on their property that left their 3-year-old son, Levi, on life support before he ultimately died over the weekend. 

In a post on Facebook, Kallie got vulnerable as she explained the events that led up to Levi driving his tractor into the creek. Kallie said that the creek goes through their 24-acre property and connects to “Grandma and Grandpa’s” house. According to Kallie, Levi and her family took that path all the time to avoid fast cars on the main road. 

However, on the day of his accident, the water was unpredictable, and she took her eyes off of Levi before the accident happened.

“Levi did not do anything he hasn’t done before, but this time the water was at its peak & strong enough to push his tractor off the road into the creek as he drove through,” she wrote. “He asked me to ride his tractor and I explained that grandma wasn’t home, he shouldn’t drive through the creek or the road and just to ride around the house. As he drove off, I ran back in the house. That’s a decision that will haunt me for the rest of my life.”

Kallie wrote that the moment she went inside briefly is something that will stick with her forever. 

“In that moment he was my responsibility alone. Whether I went back to check on my sleeping baby, swap the laundry, wash a bottle or put away lunch, I honestly don’t know,” she said. “Whatever it was, wasn’t more important than following him that day. Although I’m a firm believer that our stories are written long before we reach this earth & that our Lord will take us when he’s ready, I will lose sleep over this for eternity but with this I know 3 things to be true. 1. I am not a perfect mom but I am a good mom. 2. My little boy loved me with all he had. 3. Never say never because it only takes seconds and it can happen to you too. I pray anyone who judges me or has hurtful words to say never finds themself on the receiving end of a nightmare like this.”

Kallie ended her post — which was accompanied by a video of the family riding horses through the creek — with two scriptures.

“‘Do not judge others, and you will not be judged. Do not condemn others, or it will all come back against you. Forgive others, and you will be forgiven.’ James 4:12 ‘There is only one lawgiver and judge, he who is able to save and to destroy. But who are you to judge your neighbor?'”

Levi had been hospitalized and was in critical condition due to his brain being deprived of oxygen for too long since the river accident on May 21. According to a statement by the Beaver County Sheriff’s Office at the time, Levi “had driven a toy tractor into a river and the reporting party had lost visual contact with the child.” He was “quickly located” and received “life saving measures” before being transferred to a local hospital.

On Monday, a Wright family friend, Mindy Sue Clark, told People that Levi died after his family decided to take him off of life support.

“Levi was the absolute best little boy,” Clark told the outlet. “It’s going to be tough navigating life without him.” 

The day prior, Kellie shared that the family made the decision to take the 3-year-old off of life support after consulting with doctors, doing research and prayer. 

“Here soon I’ll climb into bed with my baby and hold him as he falls asleep for the last time on this earth,” Kallie wrote in part. “I find comfort in knowing he will be restored to the perfect little boy he was & have the ability to do all the things he loves! I know there are Angels up there waiting to hold him until I can again!”

She added the family “will miss him every second of every day down here but feel without unwavering doubt this is the best thing we can do for him. We love you baby beans and I can’t wait till the day you can ‘work the ground’ with me again!”

In addition to Levi, Spencer and Kallie are parents of daughters Steely and Brae.


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